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Driverless Cars Won’t Be Introduced In India

Cars have become necessary tools to commute in today’s world. Obviously, everyone needs to visit various places faster. And this is one crucial reason why owning a car makes more sense. But when it came to the debate of whether or not India needs driverless cars, Union minister Nitin Gadhkari ...


All you need to know about compact SUV the crossovers

Compact SUV is also known as crossover. It includes several advantages. This type of vehicle is the combination of several features and design elements of full sized SUV’s and standard cars. If you are looking for a car which uses less fuel and handle SUV better and good for the ride, then com...


Mercedes-Benz GLE New

The innovative fourth-generation of Mercedes' mid-size SUV now claims almost-3m long wheelbase and for the first time always, the third row of seats. Massive exteal sizes are briskly screened by glossier design, and it has cutting-edge technology versatile than the leading S-Class, and that's adding...


Get Your Car Air Cabin Filter Replaced On Time

A car or any vehicle is a complex piece of machinery which involves the functioning of various parts. Every vehicle needs to be attended to from time to time so as to keep it from any kind of wear and tear. Being made up of a variety of small components, it is important to consult a mechanic from ti...


New car sale for this New Year

December is here and the year 2018 is about to end, although in terms of volume of sales this time of the year is the slowest time for the car manufacturers in India. With New Year around the coer, a lot of car purchasers tend to postpone their car purchase to the New Year. But this is also that tim...