Mandatory FASTags for all four-wheelers from January 1, 2021
Nov 9, 2020
The Department of Highway and Highway Transportation (MoRTH) issued a notice on Saturday stating that mandatory FASTags for all four-wheelers as of January 1, 2021. To promote IT-based digital payment for the collection Of tolls, the government has proposed that mandatory FASTags for all four-wheelers including old cars sold before December 1, 2017. It should be noted that FASTag must register new four-wheelers from December 1, 2017, in accordance with the Central Automobile Rules 1989. The same is provided by the automakers or their agents.rnFASTag is a prepaid brand that performs automatic toll deduction administered by the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI). The RFID-based sign on the windshield of a vehicle allows direct payment of tolls from the associated prepaid or savings account and allows the vehicle to pass through the toll without stopping the cash transaction.rnMoRTH has also stated that a valid FASTag will be required when obtaining new third-party insurance through an amendment to Form 51 (Certificate of Insurance), where the FASTag identification details are recorded. This is effective as of April 1, 2021.rnrn
fastag-all-vehiclesrnrn(READ MORE: Top 5 Electric Cars in India You Can Buy in 2020 )rnrnThe Ministry of Human Resources and National Heritage said: "The renewal of the physical fitness certification has only been required after the installation of FASTag for transport vehicles. Furthermore, for vehicles with national permission, the installation of FASTag is authorized from October 1, 2019 ".rnThe step taken by the central government will ensure that fees are paid at toll booths only through electronic means, which will make the car go smoothly through toll areas.rnrnThis MoRTH initiative will ensure seamless toll collection and toll traffic at reported rates through radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. There will be no waiting time in the plazas and you will save fuel.rnThe ministry said: "The steps to ensure the availability of FASTag in multiple channels are carried out through physical websites and also through the Internet mechanism so that citizens can place it in their cars for the next two months when they feel comfortable. "rnrnREAD MORE: The new Royal Enfield meteor 350 launches in India today