Bajaj Auto has updated its Indian portfolio with the launch of the Pulsar P150. This motorcycle was launched in two variants, single disc and double disc, with prices starting from Rs 1,16,755. The single disc variant comes with a one-piece saddle and flat handlebar and is priced at Rs 1,16,755. Meanwhile, the dual disc version, which has a split saddle and clip-on handlebar, is available at Rs 1,19,757.
Styling cues are inspired by larger displacement models such as the Pulsar N250 and Pulsar N160. Design elements include the tinted windscreen, the body-color lamp shade, and the body-color bonnet. The two-disc version also has a split stirrup grab bar, while the single-disc version has a relatively one-piece setup.
Mechanical specifications include a 149.68 cc single-cylinder engine that develops 14.5 hp at 8500 rpm and 13.5 Nm of torque at 6000 rpm. Bajaj Auto claims that 90 percent of the torque is available across the entire usable RPM range.
Both options will be available in five colors: Racing Red, Caribbean Blue, Ebony Black Red, Ebony Black Blue and Ebony Black White. This motorcycle has been launched in Kolkata and will be rolled out across the country in the coming weeks.
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