Kia Motors announces paperless after-sales process and service plans
Nov 19, 2020
• The 'Advanced Pick and Drop' program ensures customer safety through a contactless pick-and-drop service and live vehicle tracking in a completely paperless process.rn• Kia Motors is also launching a new service initiative 'My Convenience', which offers personalized vehicle maintenance to its customers.rn• Inspired by the South Korean concept of 'Untact', which means "without direct contact,” the program makes the entire after-sales process contactless, including the vehicle pick-up and delivery service.rnrnExpanding its commitment to safety and comfort, Kia Motors India at Diwali offers customers a comprehensive, contactless, paperless, and personalized vehicle ownership experience. This includes an "advanced pick and drop" program, ensuring customer safety through a contactless pick-up and delivery service and live vehicle tracking in a completely paperless process.rnrn
Kia Motors Indiarnrn Kia is also launching a new service initiative 'My Convenience', which provides personalized vehicle maintenance to its customers.rnrnWith both initiatives, the company aims to redefine the after-sales experience by customizing and digitizing the service process to facilitate an enhanced user experience. Customer-focused real estate experience initiatives emphasize the aftermarket brand identity of 'Promise to Care', providing a seamless and hassle-free ownership experience.rnrnRELATED: The best-selling premium hatchback in India in October 2020rnrnInspired by the South Korean concept of “Untact,” which means “without direct contact,” the program makes the entire aftermarket process contactless, including pick-up and drop off the vehicle. The initiative aims to provide services without any face-to-face contact, ensuring maximum safety and hygiene for clients. Through this initiative, Kia Motors India became the first automaker in the country to offer a complete contactless aftermarket operation.rnrnIn an effort to personalize the vehicle maintenance process for its customers, Kia introduced "My Convenience" under the aftermarket identity "Promise to Care". The initiative allows customers to customize their service packages according to their needs. In addition, the initiative also provides protection against inflation, the highest level of transparency and flexibility to the clients. When using this service, the customer chooses two options, the first is Prepaid Maintenance (PPM) and the second is Care Pack (Car Care Services) according to their requirements.rnrnREAD MORE: Driving between Delhi and Noida? Prepare for Random Covid Testing