Automotive industry is one of the fastest growing industries among all. The first car has sold and the car nowadays is far from similar. The year 2018 has come up with a lot of new endeavors for the automobile sector. Especially the new technology and the ways it will transform is a must watch this time.
Technologies like Blockchain, Autonomous drivers which were far from our expectations are soon to come by. The new changes in this field will have a positive outlook to the automotive world.
Some of the new trends to come by this year are:
Autonomous Driving
This has been a topic of hot debate from the time Google announced the self-driving cars. It is a technology which will change the defense system and will bring the economic upsurge.
The sensors inbuilt in the self-drive cars will enable to control the vehicle. It will open a lot opportunities for both the auto world and the societal development. Reducing the accidents and allowing the passengers to have well socially acceptable environments are few of them.
Emergence of Crossover vehicles
SUVs role has ruled the heart of the drivers for long, but their spacious and super-powerful engine is not necessary for middle families. Hence come up the cross-over vehicles which are the right fit for the users having small families.
Crossover vehicles are similar to that of the SUVs except for the suitability, as the former are more suitable for the middle families. Cross over vehicles have the same kind of the luxury the SUV is having, hence giving a right choice for an individual.
New multi-terrain vehicles
Now, for the adventurers there is good news! New multi-terrain vehicles are all set to rule the road. These vehicles are specially designed for the terrain regions where the baby cars are hard to get and come by. The excitement for the multi-terrain vehicles is very much among the young age.
Blockchain can improve pricing efficiency
Selling the counterfeit parts of the vehicles is one of the biggest problems the auto world is facing for years. To counteract this problem, auto experts are ready to use the Blockchain technology to vet them first. It will ensure the transparency within the system and lead to effective pricing strategies.
Growing dependence on Big Data
Big Data is now everywhere and almost in every field and Auto world is no exception. It will use the Big Data to communicate with the vehicles on the road and the new rules will only make this easier with the Big Data.

What is new in Automobile Technology in 2018?
Jan 10, 2018