
Multipurpose Agriculture Vehicle By Dharti Agro Engineering

How are you going to use your tractor?rnrnWill your future tractor be used for work on the farm or for the field? Will it be used for traction, transport or PTO work? Know that a fully versatile tractor does not exist. For example, heavy tractors are recommended for traction work. Conversely, for transport, choose a light tractor.rnrnMake a list of the tasks you plan to do with your tractor! It will help you to determine yourself.rnrnWhat are the characteristics of your operation?rnrnThe area, physical data and equipment used on your farm are important elements. When choosing your tractor, they weigh in the balance. Is your farm on a slope? Are your crops under tunnels in the open field?rnrnThe power of your tractor must be adapted to the surface of your farm and your equipment.rnrnFor example, a 30 to 60 hp tractor is suitable if your area is less than 5 hectares. Beyond that, you will have to remember a tractor of more than 70 CV. To perform work on a small area and under tunnels, the tiller (with its towed wheels) is desirable. Finally, the chaser adapts to sloping farms whose soils are often damp. To get the best results you must always use Multipurpose Agriculture Equipment.rnrnYour farm is going to evolve? Remember that depreciation of the purchase of your tractor can take a long time. It is then necessary to integrate the perspectives of evolution of your farm in the criteria of the purchase.rnrnChoose an easy to use tractorrnrnThe grip of your tractor should be as natural as possible. Thus, the design of the machine must be simple and you must easily have access to mechanical devices. This accessibility will simplify the cleaning, maintenance and repair work that you will have to perform throughout the life of your tractor. To know more about Dharti Agro Engineering, you must always seek help online.rnrn rnrnAlso, consider that on your farm, you may not be the only one to use the tractor. Your employees or agricultural workers, who may be temporary workers, must quickly understand the various functions of the machine before use. You will not waste time explaining how they work.rnrn rnrnCheck that the specific consumption is as low as possiblernrnThe energy consumed by a tractor is one of the important loads that weigh on a farm. So avoid waste! The specific fuel consumption is the amount of fuel that the tractor needs to provide 1kWh. Establish comparisons of consumption between different brands. Remember that the engine will be more economical if the specific consumption is low. To get all the latest update Agriculture Vehicle, you must follow the various web portals. rnrnWhat are the items to check before buying a used tractor?rnrnAfter reviewing the general condition of the tractor, consider the following rn
  • the engine (the oil transmission must be carried out correctly and the engine must not discharge its lubricant)
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  • The battery (test it!)
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  • wheels and tires (they must not be unusually worn)
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  • the transmission (the most basic is the mechanical transmission)
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  • the gearboxes (the shift is made without breaking the action of the tractor)
  • rn
  • gimbal or PTO (the gasket must be in good condition)
  • rn
  • Hydraulics (does the hydraulic system leak?)
  • rn
rnA good tractor is a tractor serviced!rnrnTo prolong the life of your machine, it is necessary to limit the risk of breakdowns which compromise the exploitation maintains your tractor regularly! Ideally, the maintenance is done after each use but it must also be done when your vehicle sleeps during the dead season. Your equipment wears out even when not in use.rnrnDo you circulate legally? Are agricultural machines, bigger and bigger, respecting the rules of the road? Who has never lost in the multitude of texts, decrees, orders that frame the circulation of agricultural vehicles? Here are the essential rules to know.rnrnThe size of a convoy takes into account three characteristics length, width and mass. In France, these are regulated (only height is free). However, be careful! The signaling of bridges and tunnels is not systematic above 4.3 m. Vigilance is therefore essential as soon as the height of the vehicle exceeds 4 m.rnrnBeyond 4.5 m wide, it is an exceptional convoyrnrnRegarding the width, the machines can roll freely if it is less than or equal to 2.55 m. Beyond this, there are two categories of convoys category A for vehicles (or assemblies) of 2.55 to 3.5 m wide and category B for vehicles of 3.5 to 4.5 m. Finally, beyond 4.5 m, do not look and you are considered an exceptional convoy you must request a prefectural permission to circulate.rnrnSide length, you circulate freely if it does not exceed 12 m (or 18 m if you tow a tool).rnrnThe tools must not be more than 4 m above the front of the tractor and more than 7 m above the rear. In addition, to indicate the tool, you must put a square (or rectangular) panel or a retro reflective red and white strip towards the front (or rear) of the vehicle when the excess is between 1 and 4 m. Two panels when it is between 4 and 7 m (the farthest from the tractor must be less than one meter from the end of the tool). Finally, for mass, the following rules apply to all types of convoys.  rnrnThe total mass of the convoy shall not exceed the permissible total gross weight (GWP) indicated on the registration certificate of the towing vehicle. The mass supported by an axle must never be greater than 13 tones. Trailers and other towed equipment must meet additional requirements if the unit has up to 4 axles, its mass can reach up to 38 t.rnrnDoes your convoy exceed the authorized templates?rnrnThe order of 4 May 2006 on the circulation of agricultural and forestry vehicles and equipment applies. In this case, the division into two categories is again valid. To comply with the law, the following rules apply.rnrn 
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