The Toyota Vellfire has been priced at Rs 80 lakh, will face competition from the Mercedes-Benz V-class which had been launched at the start of this year. The car will also face competition from The Kia Carnival, which is soon to be launched in the next year. rnrnSome Select Toyota dealerships have started to accept the bookings for the ToyotaVellfire MPV just weeks before its launch. The expected delivery for the bookings that have been made now will be in March 2020. The six-seater high-end MPV will be brought in India as a CBU (Complete Built-Up) under the Indian government’s relaxed homologation rule.rnrnThe Toyota Vellfire is going to be available as a single fully-loaded variant and will have a petrol-electric hybrid powertrain.rnrnA leaked news report said that the hybrid powertrain will consist of a 150hp, 2.5-liter petrol coupled to a 143hp electric motor which will give a total output of 197hp. The engine will be BS6 compliant.rnrnIt will be an AWD powertrain and will be paired with a CVT gearbox.rnrnThe Vellfire will have features that will include powered, ventilated and reclinable second row of seats, powered sliding doors and tailgate, two sunroofs, three-zone automatic climate control, mood lighting, individual tray tables, seven airbags. There will be two interior options, either black or beige.rnrnThe expected launch of the Toyota Vellfire is scheduled to be in the first half of 2020. The car is expected to come with heated and ventilated memory seats with an Ottoman full-recline function, a touchscreen infotainment system, a leather-wrapped steering wheel, seven airbags, and many more features. The cabin comes with the 'exclusive lounge' that includes the rotatable second and third-row seats.rnrnThe Exterior features of the Vellfire MPV may include the split headlamps with LED DRLs, chrome grille, chrome bar auto ORVMs and 18-inch alloy wheels.rnrnrn
Engine and Transmission Specifications of the Toyota Vellfire
rnDisplacement (cc): 2494rnrnNo. of cylinder: 4rnrnValves Per Cylinder: 4rnrnTransmission Type: ManualrnrnFuel Type: Dieselrn