Mahindra & Mahindra on Tuesday said it has launched BSVI-compliant ambulance 'Supro' in two variants in the wake of coronavirus pandemic which has led to a rise in demand for such vehicles. Developed in-house on the company's popular Supro van platform, the ambulance supro is priced at Rs 6.94 lakh, the company said in a release.rnrnThe first batch of 12 ambulances, which is available in two variants LX and ZX, has been manufactured exclusively for the Maharashtra government to meet its requirements for ambulances in its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, it said. Mahindra & Mahindra's (M&M) Supro range comprises nine vehicles, both in passenger and cargo segments.rnrn"The launch of Supro ambulance to support medical care-takers to move people safely and in time is one more step by Mahindra to fight the pandemic, in addition to the manufacturing of face shields, ventilators, and sanitisers," said Veejay Nakra, CEO, an automotive division at M&M.rnrnSeveral other Government organizations, non-governmental organizations, and corporates have also shown an active interest in procuring the Supro ambulance and the company is quickly ramping up the capacity to add to this growing demand, Nakra sad.rnrn Ambulance SuprornrnThe factory-fitted new ambulance has all the essential equipment onboard including a foldable stretcher-cum-trolley, medical kit box, provision for an oxygen cylinder, fire extinguisher, along with internal lighting, flame-resistant interiors, and an announcement system.rnrnOn the outside, the BS6 version of the Supro Ambulance features an AIS 125 certified retro-reflective decals, a beacon light with a siren for notifying the traffic on the emergency, 75 percent frosted windows, and so on. Developed to aid in medical and health services, it derives power from a two-cylinder DI diesel engine, which is good enough to generate a maximum power output of 47 horsepower and 100 Nm of peak torque. It is paired with a five-speed manual transmission.rnrnMahindra says the compact proportions of the Mahindra Supro will help in easy maneuvering on the jam-packed Indian roads and ultimately help in saving lives. The Type B Ambulance can accommodate five attendants apart from the patient and driver and is said to be the most affordable BS6 diesel Ambulance in its category and comes under AIS 125 norms. The Supro comes with a warranty of two years/60,000 km, the company said.rnrnRead More: Mahindra’s Electric Vehicles Coming Soon!